Doctor's Profile
  Dr. Tan Nam Guan | MBB (S'pore), FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Giasg), DLO (Dublin), FAMS (ORL)
   Senior Consultant

Present Appointments

   • Visiting Senior Consultant, Department of Otolaryngology, Singapore General Hospital

Membership of Professional Social Association

   • Treasurer, ENT Society, Singapore 1995
   • Member, ENT Society Singapore 1995 to-date
   • Member, Singapore Medical Association 1995 to-date

Awards & Medals

   • Best Trainee Award in 27th Medical Officer Cadet Course 1986
   • HMDP Fellowship in General ENT Surgery, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1991192
   • HMDP Fellowship in Laryngology, Vanderbilt University, USA 1995

Number of Publications

   • Number of publications: 6 since 1996
   • Number of 1st author publication in a peer-reviewed local or overseas journal: 1

Experience & Appointment Record

    May 1985    -    Aug 1985                         HO, O&G Dept, AH
    Sep 1985     -    Dec 1985                                     HO, GS, SGH
    Jan 1986     -    May 1986                  HO, Medicine II, TTSH
    May 1986   -     Jun 1986         NSF MO, Medicine II, TTSH
    Jun 1986    -     Apr 1987                                               SAFMO
    May 1987   -     Nov 1987                MO, Opthalmology, SGH
    Dec 1987    -     May 1988                               MO, A&E, TTSH
    Jun 1988    -    Oct 1988                    MO, Neonatology, KKH
    Nov 1988   -     Apr 1990          MOT, Otolaryngology, TTSH
    May 1990   -    Apr 1991          MOT, General Surgery, TTSH
    May 1992   -    Apr 1995                            Registar, ORL, SGH
    May 1995   -    Jun 1996                                      SR, ORL, SGH
    Jul 1996     -    Jul 2000                       Consultant, ORL, SGH
    Jul 2000    -    date                   Senior Consultant, ORL, SGH
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